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Childhood Obesity

Childhood Obesity covers the causes, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of childhood obesity from prenatal life to young adulthood. With a focus on prevention, it discusses the health effects and emotional and developmental repercussions of the disease, factors that predispose newborns and children to obesity, and actions parents can take to reduce the risk of its development. It provides practical advice on topics that range from the best ways to deal with picky eating in preschoolers to how to limit screen time among grade school children and instill a lifestyle that includes healthy eating and physical activity beyond young adulthood. Childhood Obesity deals with diverse issues specific to infants, preschoolers, those in middle childhood, and adolescents. For children who suffer from obesity, it includes the latest information on treatments, including lifestyle interventions, medications, and bariatric surgery. With recommended reading lists and links to related sources of information from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institutes of Health, and other resources, Childhood Obesity arms parents with the knowledge they need to raise lean and healthy children in our obesogenic society.